Well thats a good thing to say you say!
Maybe and actually maybe not. You see when you read the writings of Ayn Rand like I have you find and especially in " Atlas Shrugged" that without the engine of a great free enterprise system you cannot create wealth. What do you think the world would be like without any wealth? Are we wanting to head back to the days of the Neanderthals? I mean how far back do you want this obcene idea to regress us.
Today the populism rhetoric of Hugo Chavez. The pariah Iran's Ahmadinejad: US 'empire' nears collapse - Yahoo! News and Our beloved Savior - Barack Nobama " The Changemeister" are all preaching to the same choir. We have lost our way. We have been dumbed down to the point in this country where we know nothing hardly at all except what the Entertainment News tells us.
We have completely no idea what the point of anything is or the seriousness of our lack of history,business, or ideology in this still great country. We are I believe for the most part illiterate and grossly ignorant. So go figure that the leadership is just robbing us, taking away all our freedoms, controlling almost every aspect of our lives. I for one am sick of it all!
People not Profit is gaining popularity... (populism)
remember what our friend (washing out mouth soon!)----Karl Marx said
I give you this fair warning.... THINK!
And especially since the Government is trying to lead us way down the path towards socialism in the latest financial doings!!!! Scream NOBAMA! to everyone. And elect real americans!