Thursday, October 16, 2008


I heard something on the radio... It seemed to hit home. The more I thought about it and what was said I realized the seriousness of it. Barrack Hussein Obama seemed on the debate last night as being a cold individual. He could lie with ease. Seems very comfortable with it. But more than that he seems cold like as in "Do whatever it takes to achieve his aims-COLD!" Cold-hearted like "Do things to the American people with ease -COLD!" He maybe could take away freedoms.
Take away our way of life as we know it with his socialistic measures. Take away guns from all Americans. Take away our right to free speech!!!
This man is cunning! Barrack is a totally dishonest individual about his background and associations. There is much more than meets our eyes. All of his political and personal contacts make him far more left than you think and maybe there is a plan to things. He is COLD! He is dangerous! Have you heard about his campaigning for his cousin ODINGA??
Read it ALL carefully! PLEASE!
I think we should BEWARE!

1 comment:


Cold...Did You Say Cold?

All Con-Men Are COLD! Like any of that ilk, it's "Me First, Baby" and my Minions second. Then, if the 'Great Unwashed' have no bread, no ambition to move up to a better life, with better housing, better nutrition...we'll provide them with food stamps, Free Gubmint Cheese, plus free clinics & medicine. Next, introduce 'em to Slum-lords like Tony Resko, and Black Liberation Theology "Holy Joe's" like Rev Jeremiah Wright & Rev Louie Farrahkan's Nation of Islam. Yeah, baby! What's happenin?
Hey, I'm cool, Maannnnn!

IF they buy the rap, send a "community organizer" down there, register 'em...then,
