Sunday, October 12, 2008

Look I don't expect anyone out there to do what I do. I just want you to take advantage of my time. Take the time to read these little snippets and then watch a video or read over quickly some other observers who write about these subjects. These are very perilous times. We have so much anxiety pent up now in our society. So many--and I don't want to sound over reactive but it's true SO MANY leaders of countries in the world with Anti-American sentiment lurking around for this election to get over that--we CAN'T make the wrong choice. It takes us citizens with strong values and strong morals and a sense of responsibility to produce a strong nation that when we prosper and do good things that makes us stronger than any of them. It WILL not be from a government telling us what we should be and how to do everything and that what values we should have from the TOP DOWN! It is exactly the opposite. It is the GOD WITHIN us all that gives us our strength FROM THE INSIDE UP!

Okay....With that said here is what Robert Heilbroner writes about Marx-Hegel and their wild adventures in what is called "Dialectical Materialism" CHANGE according to Hegel was the "rule of life" Change was immanent in human affairs and every idea and force always bred its ooposite and the two would merge to form a unity of that produces a contradiction. But CHANGE is at the forefront of of somesort of paridigm that they utilize in their writing and political philosophy. The change is the dialect and the materialism affects the social and physical environment. This basis is what the change and movement evolves into a flow of social ideas and classes into a somewhat more "FAIR" basis. A class of working class people whom will benefit from the transfer of wealth and the transfer of power into their midst.

Glenn Beck is great! He says it like it is....

and this Global Poverty ACT to give us the resposibility to RAPE taxpayers even further....

And as our friends at THE AMERICAN THINKER ESPOUSE...

I will not like it if this Obama Character gets elected and fools you all! You should be very afraid of allowing this country to slip away also.... Let's think alone what Activist Judges will be elected to JUDGE SUPREME! Hillary and her communist agenda friends? OMG! Argue with your friends... "Give ME Liberty or GIVE ME Death" it was said in our days of men who stood tall!

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