Monday, October 27, 2008


You think you know Obama's views? Well in a radio interview found from 1992 Obama spoke of these constitutional shortcomings and faults. He was upset that the civil rights movement still hadn't gone far enough to EVEN THINGS OUT!!! He talk of the phrase negative rights which is a debate of the elitists in the law departments of some universities as he attended and being a "Law Scholar" as he portends he discussed his views. The interview probably will be played on You Tube and such... But I intend on looking for more of this... If in fact his views are that there is more to be done for "REDISTRIBUTION of WEALTH" and he wins this election. We know what type of activist Supreme Court judges to expect! They will be ones who side with him on his views that there is a flaw in the court decisions and more to the point the legislation enacted during the 60's and on that failed to do enough-- I repeat--"FAILED TO DO ENOUGH"! to give reparations to the minority blacks!

Maybe we could give the Southwestern States back to Hispanics while we are at it also. That is what they really want! Their activists have that as their mantra!

link to definition of Negative Rights on Wikipedia...It is the way it was originally given and now academics and activists believe we need to go farther in GIVING MORE ...

The cartoon I put together indicates the destruction of these framed rights of the Constitution by the bombshell that is Obama! We MUST PUT OUT THIS FUSE!!!

He is a fraud...He is a liar...He is a radical socialist...He is a danger to all of the taxpayers...He will destroy evrything we have known in our lifetimes...and TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN! IS THAT ENOUGH TO TALK ABOUT????

go through quickly and then look here:

"In the future days which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms."

"The first is freedom of speech and expression --everywhere in the world."

"The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-- everywhere in the world."

"The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants --everywhere in the world."

"The fourth is freedom from fear...." ___FDR


Anonymous said...

Obama Quotes From His Book, Dreams of My Father..... Describing his time at Occidental College, he wrote: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists." Writing about his time at Columbia University, he wrote that he went to the East Village for..... "the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union." ---TonyS

Anonymous said...

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." - Norman Thomas, for many years the U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of Socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism." - Nikita Kruschev, Premiere of the former Soviet Union, 3-1/2 months before his first visit to the United States.

Anonymous said...

Are you better off than you were 2 years ago since the Democrats took over our US Congress? We all know the answer to that since our economy started its dive 1 year ago. The Congressional Democrats who played hardball by preventing the regulation of Fannie and Freddie are 100% guilty as charged for our current financial crisis. Obama does not want to focus on the past because he, too, is guilty for this mess. He helped ACORN bully banks to give sub-prime loans and to pay him back his financial advisor Frank Raines & other Fannie pals donated over $125k to Obama. The liberal press is guilty for helping cover up Obama's corruption. The record shows the Democrats under Carter began this mess and if elected, Obama will only continue to expand this crisis. The reason Republicans in the past could not expose this problem was the books were cooked and they were accused of racism for trying to prevent this crisis. Vote Republican and throw the ones who created this mess out!

Anonymous said...

How Obama Applies Alinsky's Rules By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, September 22, 2008 4:20 PM PT - • Rule: "Multiple issues mean constant action and life" for the cause. This is why Obama never harps on one issue, as Hillary did with health care. His platform is packed with grievances from "economic justice" to "reproductive justice" to "environmental justice." Obama is following almost to the letter the blueprint for socialist revolution drafted by the father of community organizing. While Alinsky may help him behind the scenes, however, he becomes a liability when brought out of the shadows. Sarah Palin proved this in St. Paul when she ridiculed his community organizing. Within hours, Obama surrogates whined about how just bringing up the phrase was racist code for "black." No, it's code for communist. And McCain should make that point instead of legitimizing such radicalism, as he did recently when he said, "I respect community organizers; and Sen. Obama's record there is outstanding" — which contradicted his running mate. There's nothing to respect about such anti-American radicals, even if they have traded their tie-dye for business ties. In other words, OBAMA IS MAKING A FOOL OUT OF HIS SUPPORTERS AND HE KNOWS IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Obama is no patriot. He's not even un-American. He's anti-American. The Black Liberation Theology he has subscribed to for over twenty years, bids the destruction of virtually every American Ideal that is responsible for making this country the greatest force for good, the world has ever known. It is his allegiance to this theology, that prevented him from wearing a flag pin, saluting the flag, and caused him to turn his back on the flag, when the National Anthem was played. He's a traitor.

Anonymous said...

Obama Quotes From His Book, Dreams of My Father..... Describing his time at Occidental College, he wrote: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists." Writing about his time at Columbia University, he wrote that he went to the East Village for..... "the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union." Notice the words...SOCIALISTS and MARXIST.

Anonymous said...

Obama did not take credit for the following items: 1. Obama and the democrats were responsible for the subprime mortgages sold to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Obama and the democrats were the ones that refused to regulate these quasi-governmental entities to further his socialist and communist views. 2, Obama and the democrats are responsible for the $ trillions decrease in value of our pension funds, IRAs,etc. 3. Obama and the democrats are responsible for the $700 billion in wealth transferred from Americans to the oil producing counties that do not like us. Yes, democrats that means your personal retirement plans and the retirement plans of your parents and relatives. You may make fun of my examples but if you think about it seriously Obama is bad news. Socialism is not the Change we need.

Anonymous said...

The term, “ redistribution of wealth” is a principal tenet of Marist Socialism. Black Liberation Theology, the so called Christian doctrine under which Obama has sat, and the philosophy he subscribes to, is pure and simple, a Marist orientated belief system. It comes from a theology developed in the sixties, by the Marxist regime of Cuba after the revolution. It was presented as a theology to displace the then predominate Catholic faith. It was designed to play to the feelings of a people that had been oppressed, and called for them to rise up against their oppressors. This Theology was adopted and enhanced by Dr. James Cone and Cornel West in the late sixties, as a vessel to organize the black community into a political force. It has been adopted as Gospel and preached by the likes of Reverend Wright, and even seeped into the more radical groups such as the Black (Mus… Can’t use the M word here)Nation, under the leadership of Louis Farrakhan. Mr. Obama’s agenda, is founded in this Marist Socialist agenda. If allowed, he will take this nation into the pit of socialism.

Anonymous said...

Obama is causing a Class warfare and Race Baiting, please read Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" Obama study under him. It states to gain power rally the middle and lower class against the upper class. I don't about you I never got a job from a poor person. Obama's real true political party is Socialism and will lead to Communism, read Saul Alinsky…its free on Google. I got sick reading Saul Alinsky. We as American must hold on our freedom. I was surprised to learn that Obama, Hillary, Pelosi and Read studied Saul Alinsky and his teaching is coming to reality. OMG!

Anonymous said...


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