Sunday, October 26, 2008


The Midnight Talker has officially endorsed John McCain for President of the United States of America.
ALTHOUGH this comes as no surprise to many of you,I feel that it is of utmost importance that we vote with our minds instead of our feelings on this election. In no time in our country's modern history have we had such a clear choice. The Democratic ticket and congress would be such a dramatic turn to the left that it is not favorable to the continuance of our traditional way of life. Freedom of speech, self-responsibility, ability to go as far as your efforts will take you to earn more for your families, right to defend yourself if you choose to have a gun, the right to choose your own medical doctors, and above all the capitalistic way! This is the best way instead of a socialistic state where the government has a say so in even more facets of your life and on the way to complete control
You decide! What about a socialistic government would make YOU happier?
It hasn't been even presented as such and the Democratic candidate has hidden his socialistic agenda behind false rhetoric and persuasive speaking ability.What a loss this would be if a vast number of people are misled by his speeches and false promises when all they want is a vote against George Bush and he isn't even running!
None of us are without cynicism of polititians!
None of us are without contempt towards politicians who do not represent us.
None of us believe everything politicians say.


I urge you to tell everyone to ..

VOTE McCAIN/PALIN!!! as if your way of life depended on it!!!

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