Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Where did almost TWO TRILLION of the TAXPAYERS money go.
The FED knows!!!

Here are links to look at to ascertain the actual fact and the fear this is causing!,CST-FIN-fed11.article

That is enough for all of us to read...Most is duplication but we need to look over all of this carefully and see if we can get a drift on this act of unexplained pocket stuffing.
Much of what is happening right now is being done while the fear factor is acting up again.
When the government and the fat cats want to deceive us really really big they invest lots of PR in starting a FEAR CAMPAIGN first and then do their dirty little or should I say BIG deeds under the veil of false headlines and subterfuge. We will see where that lawsuit for public access to these loans take us in the near future... Any comments after reading about this?
quote of the day

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