Thursday, December 11, 2008


Listen up! I hate to sound convincing and "I told you so" like but when you read down though this article you will note the following statement...

“And if they do that, then essentially the unions lose all their leverage. It’s the unions that have brought them to the brink. So definitely, I think the reason they want a political solution and a car czar is because a car czar can protect the unions through this whole process at the expense of the taxpayer.”
Linkto this article about the AUTO BAILOUT which at this post seems dead in the Senate.

My further take is still that if you are creating debt you are dead wrong to continue. It will haunt us down the line and we have way enough to the point of absurdity already.

But if you give the people a "Fair Tax" creation and start this ...

...with a proposal for NO taxes for 2 or 3 months to start the NEW YEAR! Let people go out and but American and but a car and pay down some debt of their own and look for major purchases with their own money for a quarter of the year. We earned it and its ours and it will help the economy greatly. We will even look closer at that point at the Fair Tax" proposal because we will see what our CHECKS SHOULD BE LIKE!!!!

Thats my take!
Quote me!
Unquestionably, there is progress. The average American now pays out twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)

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