Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year of Our Lord 2009

Ronald Reagan had a vision of America. Barack Obama has a vision of Barack Obama.
What is your vision of America? Or should I say-- what do you want this country to look like in the near future?

Here is what comes to my mind very easily and much more importantly than anything which the opposition has to offer. I want things to be simple. I want values that we have always found worthy. I want worthy pursuits and labors to be found by and for everyone.

I want people to respect each others differences but follow our values and morals. Certainly not different values or those who think that what one does or says or should be imposed on us or be against the grain of common beliefs. Never anything goes...never!

I want everyone to be given the chance to be educated freely and continuously throughout their lives. Young and old without restraint or because of lack. Most of all that most understand critical thought and reasonable ways of approaching learning.

As C.S. Lewis once said: "Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil."

People need to have society revolve around not only these common values and pursuits but around common places and nothing just for the few. Sharing our knowledge and experience and helping those in need without hesitations and difficulty.

Helping this along is the small efficient and responsive government. More of a super group of community managers overseen but not marginalized by higher authorities that protect us and our constitutional way of life and our liberties. People who are just and well aware of whom they represent and why. They will not be left there long if they fail to achieve successfully their given mandates.

And so as stated by Christopher Chatrill in American Thinker: "The conservative vision is simple: a small government and a large people, a government limited by an in-depth defense against power, and a people empowered to perform the worthy day-to-day tasks for a society that lives by service not power, and compassion not mechanism."

He also says in defiance which I find beneficial: "...But our liberal friends hanker after power. They believe in reactionary status, not progressive contract, in government compulsion, not voluntary association. And as Rahm Emanuel has said: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Not when there's government power to be had."

So... Following his advise I say: "Let's not let this crisis of an extreme power hungry group of globalists, socialists, communists, terrorists, fascists and commandeers of individuals in our midst whom seek to destroy the greatest from of government designed to date -destroy it any further. It has already been shaken to a loosened state and seems to all but ready to topple as we go forth into the next year. But one thing is irrefutable. There are far too many whom care, love and have lived all their lives in this awesome country, these United States, to let it perish without a fight!"

And fight we shall !!!

God bless you and yours this New Year!

-------Happy 2009-------
Here it is, a New Year. We got to make some resolutions, as well as interest and tax payments in this joyful season. It's the start of a New Year of trials and tribulations, and if everybody that does anything gets caught, it will be mostly trials. -Will Rogers
Frank: It's the same old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girls dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day. Jane: Goodyear? Frank: No, the worst. - haha ha!

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