Thursday, January 22, 2009

SOME ARGUE!!!......

When I saw that phrase.. in an article in a major city newspaper when they were talking about what Nationalization is and means to the USA....I groaned!

I wondered when you make a huge persuasive push to steer and augment your argument to the positive about such a political movement and you use a statement that..."Some argue", you have ticked me off!

Who are some? What did they really say? And how many is some?

It begs of no forgiveness from me! You are manipulating minds you young leftist drone half baked journalists!

Of course you were steered the same way by some of your professors when you were impressionable and eager to save the world form greedy capitalists who employ us all!!! HELP!


A blog newspaper is hitting the streets...Free! Fresh! and may or may not include the Daily Kos!

Yuck! And I have a blog! But c'mon replacing all those newspaper drones mentioned above with mere amateur drones who have less practice and less of everything including salary..OH that's it! Save on the payroll! HELP! BLOGNEWSBOXES EVERYWHERE! YELLOW NEWS?


Banks are looking good these days huh?

And Obama and his crew are looking at England and its scary attempts to save their banks and possible Nationalization of them as a guide??? HELP!


I just saw that my son left some work on the desk about a essay or speech?-- project and he chose comparing the differences between liberal mind set and a conservative one and why we should all be friends...

I won't mention anything to him but didn't I read where they are saying that Liberalism is a mental disorder and Gosh forbid he would listen to those right wing extremist talk show hosts
a whole lot like his...ahem! --father!

And beside it's all a moot point now...MY feelings are that it's a debate between Capitalism and Socialism... Life or death! HELP!

I heard Dick Morris talk about an hour and a half ago on Hannity about some good points on this issue...Probably linked somewhere.....OH.....ON MY BLOG!!!


There are two things that can disrupt business in this country. One is War, and the other is a meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank.
-Will Rogers- April 2, 1929

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