Friday, February 6, 2009

$12.3 trillion for a stimulus package..?

"Biden hears that the Stimulus passed?"

Just heard that the Senate passed the "Porkulus Obamulus". Have not read any details of how or why or anything BUT IT WON'T BE GOOD... mark my words... Watch the world just look at us with scorn...Not to say the public when they find out we just put the last nail in the coffin of a Bankrupt USA! Those "moderates"? that have joined the Demonfatcats cannot be with out a cool billion or twelve for their states I am sure! This just in from Nancy Pelosofullofit.. "Americans can expect this bill to add at least 500,000,000 jobs!"

I just love socialism! Say this three times and bend over and kiss your rear end good bye!

Look over this excellent piece" It's raining money", by Mark Steyn and imagine what hell Washington has wrought!

This is part with the link that follows:

"And nobody cares. In the final triumph of liberalism, the fact that incomprehensible sums are being allocated to no particular purpose is taken as evidence of the administrations’s virtue and determination. If you’re at a New Hampshire town meeting and the board of selectmen proposes a $3,000 fence for the local dump, some old coot in plaid will stand up and demand to know why the fence costs three grand. But if you announce that you’ll need $12.3 trillion for a stimulus package, everyone says: Well, sure, that shows how serious things must be. “This isn’t about big government or small government,” says President-elect Obama. “It’s about building a smarter government.” “Smart government” seems best understood as the stage that’s even bigger than big government. It’s like Starbucks: tall, grande, and then smartie."


"The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both."

-James Dale Davidson

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