Sunday, February 22, 2009

For Starters..

"Obama is a radical communist, and I think it is becoming clear. That is what I told people in Illinois and now everybody realizes it's true," said Keyes, who ran unsuccessfully against Obama for the state's open Senate seat in 2004. "He is going to destroy this country, and we are either going to stop him or the United States of America is going to cease to exist." ___Alan Keyes -- takeover everything Barrack...go ahead! Nobody cares anyway!

another take on the big picture is alarming...

Treat yourself to Mark Steyn:Anyway, Geert Wilders’s short film is basically a compilation video of footage from various recent Muslim terrorist atrocities — whoops, sorry, “anti-Islamic activities” — accompanied by the relevant chapter and verse from the Koran. Jacqui Smith banned the filmmaker on “public order” grounds — in other words, the government’s fear that Lord Ahmed meant what he said about a 10,000-strong mob besieging the Palace of Westminster . You might conceivably get the impression from Wilders’s movie that many Muslims are irrational and violent types it’s best to steer well clear of. But, if you didn’t, Jacqui Smith pretty much confirmed it: We can’t have chaps walking around saying Muslims are violent because they’ll go bananas and smash the place up.
Read the whole story from NRO:

And finally Krauthammer Hit the nail on the head about this hapless spineless hopeless Prez!

My new style for today is straight to the point! Have too much shit that is depressing and I got too much other stuff to do!

Now Let's Summarize! He totally screwing up what's left of the capitalist system..The economy is in a free fall and he is going to announce a huge budget and tax increases this week or very soon... He has let the terrorists know he is pretty much hands off and cuts in the budget mentioned above for the Defence! And he is about to end medical care as we always knew it! Socialize another 1/3rd of society! All in less than 30 days!

quote me!

"Can we even wait for the summer so we can all drown ourselves!"


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