Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nowhere to Hide...

Short and Gloomy

See what is being hosted upon us by this shitload of leftists who are ramming this Stimulus as well as other massive spending packages down American Taxpayers (excludes Obama appointees) throats!
We are in a bankrupt country. The economy only has been able to move and drive world wide commerce this long by credit! Those days seem over and maybe that's good ..BUT!....
What moves our capitalist system when money is not flowing? Where would we create wealth when the engines of production and jobs have gone offshore? Where will our children work to even closely pay down any debt? How can we survive the collapse of the dollar soon?
What will people do when the economy collapse even further? How will they react? The government has prepared for civil unrest! They are maybe prepared for martial law.. maybe! We are facing even worse threats than the great depression because people as a whole are more uncivil and more rebellious than our predecessors were! They may rob, kill and destroy if things go as the government most likely suspects!
Not a pretty picture. People are getting nervous. Things are getting worse. No one dare spend.
No one dare move if they are awake to the big picture....
Maybe most aren't! Maybe they think that a few dollars a week more on the average will make a difference? Maybe they think that a few hundred dollars in a government check borrowed against their unfavorable future will make things better? Maybe they think someone will get a new job under "The Plan" and that will help everything. Then again maybe it won't!!!
Someone has fed them a line of phooey! Someone has lied to them! Someone has known that by destroying the means of wealth creation and laissez-faire capitalism that they would create a socialist state! Maybe the government is getting ready for a BIG push to a global state!
Prepare my friends for the worst! And pray for some miracle to prevail. That some sense of who we were and what we were will arise and how to find our way back home!!! This is still the United States of America my friends. Let's understand and protect our constitution and our rights. If we don't...You have no one to blame...but yourself!
The rights of the individual are most important! The rights of freedom and your property!
Write your Senator and tell him or her you will have no more of their shennigans!!!

It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.
Ayn Rand
Read about Ayn Rand and Objectivism

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