Friday, March 13, 2009

45 percent of world's wealth destroyed: Blackstone CEO

And the Anti-Capitalists and pure Socialist like that??? ...Hmmmm pretty strange!?


The Wealth shrinks and the oceans rise!

An alarmist article as usual.. and some comments from it.. that show the reaction.

California counts costs from projected warming$100 billion alone in property damage if sea levels rise 5 feet

What do you think?

What a Crock ! There has been 11 inches in Ocean/Sea Level rise in 110 years.
Okay, maybe I'm off an inch or so!

Anarctica is not melting in fact it is growing in total ice. The worst year for the Arctic was 2007 and that was only a partial melt and there was less melting this past year. AND REMEMBER THIS ! IF ALL THE ICE IN THE ARCTIC WAS TO MELT, THE SEA LEVELS WOULD NOT RISE ONE INCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only rise we could possibly see is the partial melting in Greenland and so far that has been only the coastal areas that are at low elevations!!

The issue with California is just too many people !!! All rainfall cycles from year to year!
The water they need for the Agricultural areas is being wasted on too D--N many people living in southern California!

More propaganda to set us up for more spending. This is just more of the liberal BS that is costing billions of dollars and countless jobs. There is no global warming !!
It's a set-up for a global tax that the world beauracrats will squander and cause all the still more prosperouscountries to draw down to the level of the third world countries for a one world government scenario!

We have warmed up 1 degree C. in the last 150 years and most of the was before 1950. AGW is a joke

You DO realize what ended the last "Ice Age" don't you ... Dinosaurs driving those big old SUV's

As usual alarmists go out of their way to scare everyone by using a 5 foot increase in sea level as an example when the IPCC just said today that they are looking at worst case scenarios of 20-39 inches. Why would they do such a thing? And then use a range of $400 million to $42 billion for property damage. This just makes this article, which is important, look silly. Sure you want to snap people out of it and get on board but articles like these do more damage then good. It just reeks of scare tactics. Why not just use a 10 foot rise instead and make it look even better or scarier that is.

NASA has data revealing that ALL planets in our solar system are warming. Unless Martians have SUVs, global warming is therefore NOT caused by man.

Hi Dr.Smith, I agree that there is more evidence to show that the planet is actually Cooling! The whole Global Warming Hoax was to create the Carbon Tax to fund the new government that they are planning on surprising you all with! It is called the NAU, the North American Union!! Bush sold us out! He and the ex-Prime minister of Canada and the ex-Pres. of Mexico signed this insane agreement at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, March 23, 2005!!! Want something to be concerned about then check that out! Go to read the article. They have planned everything that is happening in this country and the world if you want to go global, so that they can take away our borders and further ruin our country, but to make the transition into the NWO, so Global Warming is just a way to generate money to fund this new government the NAU, and the NWO! I have pages and pages of research and it's all out there if you want to know about it, events, dates, people involved, it's all on the Internet for everyone that wants to know the truth. Even Al Gore knows the global warming thing is exaggerated to raise money! There is so much that they are doing behind our backs and if the majority of the public knew, there would be so many people going to Washington DC to do some hanging! If the people knew what the Bush's have done they would be going after them...they all have their hiding places for the time when the crap hits the fan, because they are cowards and all they care about is Money and Power!!! The planet is cooling, just look at the winter that has been happening and how other ice ages started! If you disagree let me know but I think that I have looked into this quite a bit and have seen what many do not see. Thank you Dr.Smith and I hope you enjoyed that drink. p.s. check out and see some of the sneaky things they've been doing.
and if a meteor strikes from outer space we could all be dead.

If the sun shuts down, we all freeze to death.
If the dinosaurs return, we get eaten.
If the Supervolcano in Yellowstone blows we're all dead
If the ice age returns we're all dead
If there is a slide in the midatlantic ridge the east coast is under water
If, if, if - yep, if the sea levels rise 5 feet parts of South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana are in a lot more trouble than Callyforneeah.
How is this report on home page of MSNBC news? I still don't see that part yet. . . .

Now, if we can just get New York to break off into the Atlantic in conjunction with California being "swamped" then we'd be on our way !! LOL


OBAMA says basically in my words! ----"One crisis canceled so another can move in!"

after I saw he was saying the economy is not as bad today as they thought???????????

Meanwhile his real agenda will never stop!!! He is just polling numbers and reacting on a almost daily basis! Easing up a bit on the rhetoric so his Health Agenda Push can begin and OH....that 3 trillion plus budget for 2010!!!!!!

POWER GRAB AND ECONOMIC LEVELER IN ONE SWIPE OF HIS PEN! Read carefully and see what his real aims are...



As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. ____Emmanuel Teney

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