Monday, June 1, 2009

Green Motors? Obama Motors? Guvment Motors?

Start the Death Watch!
CEO: 'I don't understand what the policy makers can't see'

Romney balks at government ownership of GM- His Dad was a Car guy -CEO!
General Motors files for bankruptcy protection in HARLEM! Hmmm?
I am depressed about this whole deal. I started my college education at GMI back in the year 1969. I was picked to help design cars as an intern and engineering student at an amazing place come to think of it at their own college based in Flint Michigan. It was a strictly co-operative school meaning that you worked for half the year and studied the other half in alternating semesters. I wreaked havoc in those days. It was after all the late 60's and early 70's . Viet Nam, hippies, alternative culture, beatles and rolling stones. I was torn between a company living in the fifties and my peers running amuck. I just split in two and didn't make a right choice in leaving for other pursuits. Nothing too crazy. Just a tough time.
That said I did feel that the company had its head in the sand. It was way way too bureaucratic. They couldn't make a decision with out several layers of management having the chance to veto the idea. It was "old school" all the way.
Their idea was still to change a tail light and or head light on an existing model and calling it new! I saw the way the quality issues were treated and meaningful debate squashed. I was only 18 for Pete's sake and saw this all coming less the union take over with the cave-in of managment to them for all these heritage costs that are so out of whack with the rest of workers.
That said now though- I hate to see this government take over. Statism sucks. I am a BIG believer in the precepts put forth by Ayn Rand her understanding of the Soviet way and how we are delving deep into the same way of governing. Look for many more cookies to crumble under "our dear leader". The chance that this company will make it with Obama in charge is one in a million and look for us taxpayers to foot the bill for many thousands of millions in the very near future with no pay backs!

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