Thursday, July 9, 2009

Good Mourning America!

When one of the top three richest men in the USA spoke to a reporter yesterday it wasn't what most of us would want to hear...

Not only that but catch the bit about whether the POTUS asks him (supposedly one of his economic advisors)..for any advise lately in the

middle of one our worst shifts of wealth and recessions in modern times

assuming it keeps heading south..

Buffett Compares 1st Stimulus to Viagra Candy Combo...

Just watch & listen..

Not that Nobama would of ever name dropped or conned anyone to try and get elected. Nobama MUST be a real charismatic individual to have Mr. Buffett believe in his sincerity. And Warren certainly didn't have an idea about his background. I wonder if he is feeling blue as we are. I am sure there are tens of thousands who he lost credibility with after this fiasco of one dagger after another to our economy. It is on purpose too! All this destruction while the Obama's are getting wealthy. Don't think for a second that tens of millions of this Acorn billions isn't being buried for a winter's stash someday!


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