Monday, August 3, 2009


Are you afraid of losing this Country to Statists...

You know progressive liberalism sounded so much better all these years and if we would of let you know early on that we were going to take over everything you wouldn't of wanted that now ..would you?

So we always sugar coated everything in a way that you found this creeping socialism or whatever your afraid of now more palpable to the unawares and we could some day Rahm it down your throats!

We always knew that by dumbing down education and instituting a system of secular progressivism in the schools we could modify behavior in the young. This Humanism Charter in America started with a head of the American Education Association which is a wonderful success for us as you can guess.

And taking religion out of the classrooms and the public sector as much as possible in stores and public spaces that we could do wonders with our feverish secularism!

And now with all the political doublespeak and fancy games in Washington DC and dumbed down voters across the board and the older voters who haven't realized what hit them and how much things have changed so quickly on them we are winning the battle to "change" and
modify everything we please.
Your elected congressmen aren't helping you much-- are they now? They are pretty much just rubber stamping everything that Dear Leader and Nancy and Harry are putting before them. Heck, they don't even bother to read much of anything in these bills anyway. And the Republicans or Blue Dogs that even try , the fools that they are, we just smear them or offer them cash or perks for votes like pork-laden earmarks and favors to help them get re-elected anyway.

Just wait until next year when we unleash all that stimulus money you thought was being spent. We will have another landslide majority election for Dear Leader to work with so he can finish off pretty much what he has started--killing off capitalism and controlling all you sheeples!.. SLAVES TO THE STATE!!!

So as you can see by our actions and deeds now-- we love anything that betrays your traditional American values and ways and hope to have this ship turned completely around in the near future!
Viva La Socialism!

Quote me!
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”

____Samuel Adams
Link me to some meat good sir!

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