Sunday, December 6, 2009


You know, I am a strong believer in synchronicity and when I saw how the movie that I accidentally came across Sunday night..I began to think how cool that was! I mean it tied in everything all together from all that is going on and what the doggone sermon was even about this morning.

Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck in that 1941 classic -yes, "Meet John Doe". It portrays an every man who get elevated to a iconic status that takes off like wildfire across the entire country. He preaches common sense and that you are to take account of your neighbor and everyone else. To have a spirit of self reliance and assisting your neighbor without government interference. To respect the common man.

Now if that wasn't a little bit about our "Christmas Classic" service at church. The first in a series that spoke about another movie about Scrooge. And how it is so important to get the real message about what life is about. About the Spirit we should have about helping your neighbor and giving. And God's presence and not just presents.

In these tough political times when the Federal Government is starting to take away that spirit in a huge secular swath. When they are preaching and subverting those messages and replacing them with one of reliance not on God and his spirit and charity but one of dependence on the "Big Brother" called Washington has to stop and think! One has to reflect on old fashioned values and liberty...the golden rule and neighborly love... helping out your fellow man or woman and child and loving your neighbor as yourself. Not waiting for a federal handout or helping hand from taxpayers. Good old fashion work and common decency.

God, how I wish we could start back about 70 years ago and stay focused on what this country should really be about again and not this evilness and power and greed-but real old fashioned American way and the beacons of truth and decency and love!

We are being betrayed!

Take heed!

Be a John Doe!

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