Monday, March 22, 2010



..more like most unpopular Senate Leader.. Look at the polls figures featured on drudge..speaking of which here were some of his headline links I copied to give you the drift..from this afternoon..
..Oh your just so well liked Ms Peelosi !!!

CBS: Pelosi's favorability ratings 11%, Reid at 8%...
Dems face attack ads...
Gingrich: This Will Not Stand...
House, Senate Republicans quick to release 'repeal' bills...
Romney: Obama's 'Unconscionable Abuse Of Power'; The 'Campaign Begins Today' To Repeal...
Palin: 'In November, we get to vote'...
'Spread the Wealth Around' as Bill Imposes New Taxes...
Virginia to sue...
Florida to sue, with 7 other states...
Bricks shatter glass at NY Democratic offices...
Assassination Calls on TWITTER; Secret Service to Investigate...
VIDEO: All Americans Now Await Lower Premiums Promised by Obama; Save '$2,500 per family' per year...
You can't link to them unless you go to the Drudge Report..Thanks to Matt's diligence! and not my copying..
But here are some excellent links to GREAT PIECES about the Takeover of a huge part of our economy , the insurance companies, healthcare, and OUR FREEDOM!!!
From Rush.."

RUSH: And he did. He was always going to, as were the moderate Democrats. There were some of them that were given a chance to vote "no" because they had enough of a majority last night. But up until four o'clock yesterday afternoon, theoretically, Pelosi did not have the votes. I'm asking myself what kind of country are we today. We're not a representative republic. The will of the people was spat upon yesterday. The will of the people is of no concern to the people who now have power and authority from the White House all the way down to Capitol Hill. The will of the people is something to be crushed. So we're not a representative republic. You can't even say, loosely defined, we are much of a democracy. We have to restore these things. We have to do this by getting rid of these people at the ballot box. We must get them out of office. That's the only thing here. I hear people talking about repeal, and that's great, but there's something that has to happen before we can do that. We can't repeal this thing as we sit here today. We don't have the votes. We didn't have the votes to stop it; we're not going to have the votes to repeal it. We have to start winning elections.
But I'm going to tell everybody in the Republican Party that's running around talking about repeal: It had better be more than a campaign slogan. You better mean it. Don't declare something as principle and then play it like a $5 poker chip like Bart Stupak did. Stupak has humiliated and disgraced himself. He lied because he held out the hope to millions of Americans that this travesty would not happen. Bart Stupak has not only humiliated and disgraced himself; he has as big a role in destroying this country as it was founded as Barack Obama does. Last night, Bart Stupak damaged the already crippled Democrat Party more than he knows, more than they know. That executive order? Totally laughable. Stupak just wanted his "Notice me!" moment. Stupak is no different than Neville Chamberlain, who came back with that little letter from Hitler, "Oh, yeah, Hitler says no war between his country and ours."

Bravo to his rebuttle!..Minority Leader Boehner!

"In America we are now in an ideological race for the soul of our Republic....."

And can you still read?

Like Reagan said.., “if you tax something, you get less of it and if you subsidize something, you get more of it”.

I say..
The democrats want to subsidize failure and tax sucess, plain and simple. They are vote farming and will be thrilled when there is a majority of the population addicted to government so they have a voting majority by the nose. It is criminal vote farming that only cares about their power and will persue it even if it destroys the work ethic and productivity of hard working sucessful people.
Expanding the welfare class to the democrats is a success, and granting millions of illegal immigrant cheaters amnesty is also a success for the democrats. The farther they can lower the common denominator of public self reliance, the better it is for them to retain power. Getting more people addicted to “government programs”, the more votes they get. They don’t care about the greatness of America, all they care about is power over the treasury to steal money. Look at the deals in the health care bill. Criminal.
A joke..
So John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi walk into a bar to celebrate… maybe healcare passing..
… and the bartender still asks,

“What’s with the long face and sour puss?”
I say..I have admired John Boehner ever since he referred to President Bush’s shamnesty bill as a piece if sh*t. He, Paul Ryan, and Mike Pence were smoking hot last night, and anyone who denies the truth of what they said just plain doesn’t want to know.

You say..

Ignorance is not bliss… It is shameful, lazy, and a piss-poor way to go through life. And now it’s damned expensive, too.

As Jester says...
Not choosing to ally yourself to either side is itself a choice, and in this country, that is a choice of marginalization.

We all say..
According to Speaker Pelosi, the government has created a new “right” for the American people – the right to health care. America ended yesterday.

It was said..

Health care is the product of human labor – you go to the doctor, he figures out your problem and implements a solution. It’s how he spends his day.

Now, everyone has the right to make him work. That’s how they used to do it on the plantations. The land owner had the right to make his field hands work. Health care workers are now in the same boat as those field hands. Soon, Democrats will figure out another “right” that is based on someone else’s labor and more Americans will become slaves.

The Commie left says!!!

Ahh… snatching the defeat from the jaws of victory… that’s USA for ya’.

For decades USSR and the Eastern Block tried to defeat the capitalist system. Eventually, we lost and almost everyone here realized what dumb, criminal and inefficient the socialist/communist system was, including the “free” health care. The damage which was done cannot be changed easily – even now, after 20 years, bribe is the way to get in front of the line for that “free” government-run health care.

But… the western communists are stuck on stupid, and now the last bastion of free market lays in ruins.

I see many views that in 2012 the communists now in power in US government will lose. Dream on. Even now, according to Rasmussen polls, “29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President”.

That’s 30% of hardcore extreme left, you add the “moderates” and “independents” with left views and some millions illegal amnestied votes and the left will be in power for ever. Not that they need a majority to do this, as we could all saw this week.

But I have the satisfaction that the idiots who support their policies will have a taste of what will follow and no place to run from it. Good job, US comrades!
Actually, no one should be too surprised that America has gone communist.

I say..
From 1946 to 1989, communism was associated with the most powerful and dangerous enemy America ever faced – the USSR. When the Evil Empire fell in 1989, everyone breathed a sigh of relief but the American communists saw their chance. Once their pernicious ideology was dissociated from the USSR, they began its rehabilitation. Then, along came an attractive, articulate African-American communist and voila – the trapdoor slammed shut.


“…It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

“Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

“Ye sordid prostitutes, have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d; your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse the Augean Stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings, and which by God’s help and the strength He has given me, I now come to do.

“I command ye, therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. You have sat here too long for the good you do. In the name of God, go!”

A version of Oliver Cromwell’s speech dismissing Parliament
20 April 1653

I say..

the end

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