Sunday, December 28, 2008

Look what I found...

You know...

One thing Caroline Kennedy would bring to Washington: A new, distinctive Kennedy verbal tic: She said "you know" 142 times in her Times interview.
Seems like that may be matched by Nobama and his ummm's
You eat?

Seems that a swat team of about a dozen Agents raided a home in Ohio recently and you guessed it...That family with about ten children were running a food co-op and were set-up to seem like they ran a retail operation.
That along with the fact that the FDA will about take over health foods and vitamins and any alternative medicine or activity makes me wonder. What do you think the government is up to in these cases?
If you grow some medicinal herbs like licorice root and go to jail? Or put some hot rocks on someones back? Or God forbid you have a few chickens pecking at bugs and sell a few organic eggs to anyone.... Where are we headed to here. Is the AMA against you being healthy? Or do they want us boomers to kick it sooner ?
You nice?

More seriously...

I guess the terms soft words and nice thoughts and polite dialogue should be used more these days. The criticism has come from an unlikely place..Newt Gingrich ,whom many consider one of the most intellectual and brightest Republicans is now asking the conservatives to watch their tone and support the new President. In all my days I have never thought of embracing an enemy by any stretch of moral imagination. Turn the other paycheck and give Nobama a hug I guess he is saying.
Well the tenor of many emails and many more articles I read is that our Freedoms and Democracy are and will be under greater and greater attack.
Some of us fear that there is movement underfoot to bring about a socialist state. But far more wearisome is the thought that our country may even turn to some sort of North American Union, forming with Mexico and Canada new nation state with a new currency the Amero.
Far greater than that is the threat that some sort of economic collapse may happen very soon, like February or so and the dollar's collapse will cause social unrest and much havoc and many fatalities when martial law ensues from the rioting.
This after the Government announces some of these initiatives that caused us worries about the first two issues I mentioned

What gives here lately. On the TV news talk Sunday, some spoke of capitalism and the free markets and stock markets as some sort of pariah. They were ready for even more Government intervention and nationalizing corporations and exerting even more damage as they try to control the economic system like they have been starting to do.

One would think that with all of our worries it would be easy to drop out of being an observer and critic of this path we are headed and just not pay any attention and "hope" that the "change" is not as we expect.

I have 5 children entering their adulthood and several grandchildren who are very young and have to be vigilant and refrain from being a political and American ignoramus. I spend all my time not trying only trying to keep tuned-in but try to help spread the words and advice of others even more astute.

I believe we are nearing a decision that I feel that is unprecedented in our lifetimes. We are getting closer to where we may have to once again fight the enemy with all our might.
And that enemy may be within. That enemy may be our own government. Who will want to impose its antidemocratic and globalist agenda on us. Doing all sorts of frightening initiatives.
Like my oldest son said all we can do is hope to fight the good fight like any patriot would.
That is our choice!
Tell me ...
What is yours?
Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first, the right to life; secondly, to liberty; thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. Those are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature.

-Samuel Adams

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