Monday, December 29, 2008

Secular Humanistic Indocination Must STOP!

Charles Francis Potter who lived from 1885-1962 was the founder of the Humanist Society. He was a Baptist minister by training until his departure not only from the Baptist faith but from Christianity as well. Thus he wrote books like Humanism: A New Religion and then Humanizing Religion. By just the title of these books and his organizing a Society we can tell here was not just a man who had changed his views but someone who was on a crusade! Why it is important to point this information out is a quote I saw recently from Potter. He stated this:

"What can theistic Sunday school meeting for an hour once a week do to stem the tide of a five day program of humanist teaching?"

Public schools for the most part are giving our children and grandchildren 14,000 hours of control over these children's worldview and thus have control culturally and politically over the future. What seems apparent is that our schools now can serve as a madrases for the left wing agenda. Teachers all voting left and the kids learning their lessons from the left.

"State-run public schools have become destructive to our children's Christian faith. They no longer educate but rather indoctrinate. Not only morally corrupt, public schools are unsafe because of the violence and crime that occurs in them on a regular basis," states the officials of a campaign to fight this indoctrination.

But let's take a step back from even Christian worldview vs Humanistic and state the obvious equation here as presented. Whomever or whatever controls our children's minds controls the future. That's why these 14,000 hours of indoctrination are so important. Not only are the value structures altered but the principles on which our country was founded and the important facts about its worth are changed and omitted entirely from their orientation.

What Bill Ayers and Barack Hussein Obama know is that in continuing the direction of the educational system and even tweaking it farther to the extreme left they shape the socialist agenda. And as Albert Gore and his ilk know that by preaching Global climate change propangande and looking at enviromentalism as strongly as they do will make our children more worshipers of Mother Earth than of the very God who created it.

Our children need our help soon if it isn't too late.

What kind of world do you want?

Let's prepare for it now without delay!

What can we do...just ask!

The strongest and most effective force in guaranteeing the long-term maintenance of power is not violence in all the forms deployed by the dominant to control the dominated, but consent in all the forms in which the dominated acquiesce in their own domination.
-Robert Frost

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