Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Tea Time!
As Tea Sniffer goes in action after a protester tossed a box of

Tossed package ends D.C. 'Tea Party'

Yes it was deemed a success by many of the American's that are fed up with this abhorrent administration and it's "ISTS" ways! Leftist-- Socialist-- Fascist-- Marxist-- or--- Statist which may be the most correct...

However most Americans hardly even know what is really in store for them in the near future.

They showed up...decorated their hats with tea bags..tossed them into some water unfit for even a strong sweet tea..threw a few around... and even got caught tossing some tea box over the White House Fence causing the Capital Police to end their day and send them smiling home.

I have always thought however that this display, however well meaning, however well intentioned and quite a display for such conservative folks...was going to be just looked upon by Obamanites as folly...pure and simple. Some pundits on the media left will report on this like some rebelliousness of the extreme right. Some have said the rabble rouser radio hosts like
Hannity Rush and Levin were the reason that these people even showed some display of emotion in public.

Fact is that there are many millions of them who have had it up to their necks in this bullshit that Obama has thrown at them and spent the next several generations into debt. This generational debt will not only hammer them into submission and lower their standard of living... it 's purpose is to make us all wage slaves to the government. Powerless at our best!

Not able to foster much fight let alone such a display as today... If this was the best we can muster we are in deep shit!

We can't compete with the Organizers like Acorn and La Raza and the Union Agitators that will hammer us for the next few years and beyond...

We do NOT have that type of spirit.

We are too respectable to take to the streets and actually do Civil Unrest and Cause CRISIS
after CRISIS!
Like Obama's supporters...

Cause DISRUPTION in the foundation and pillars of this Country's institutions!

Wage real war on the established ways and capitalist underpinnings of the USA!

Can we therefore...
CAUSE enough HAVOC that the Politicians get the point and DO WHAT IS RIGHT!

Figure out that WE have HAD ENOUGH and they better TOE THE CONSTITUTIONAL LINE!


Not by tossing a tea bag...

Not by a long shot!!!

Read the Ogre who says this all better than I about today and the tea parties..!!!!!!

Who am I but a walled-in Radical Loving American living a blog-driven existence!


..And let's go to Starbucks and talk about our exciting day!

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