Sunday, April 19, 2009


Goldman Sachs HQ'S in NYC...
So here is the skinny folks...
Goldman Sachs and others have extremely placed the future of this country in hock up to its throat! These derivatives traded on world markets of mortgage backed securities that were in Fannie Maes eye mostly worthless..were sold in droves...across the planet...options credit swaps and these derivatives have our country bankrupt...lest everyone find out and rioting occur it is kept secret but the full Congress was warned last year in a very seldom used closed session!

Credit Default Swaps like Goldman then obtained from AIG to the tune of about 20 billion werethe reason for the huge bailout of AIG worked on by ONE Timothy Geitner..
The current Treasury Cazr was the man behind the scenes doing all the dirty work before Obama came aboard..He was already hand picked to succeed Paulson who was Bush's Secretary of the "TREASURY"?...

That was..Hank Paulson ,spent his entire career at Goldman Sachs... Hence his allegiance and hence they let some competition to Goldman fail in the "Mother of all Crisis"! Lehman Bros. was let loose and go under therefore and yet Paulson bailed out AIG "big time" understanding that a pass thru of about 13 billion would be made to Goldman as well as some bailout money direct from the Treasury!

Those who started this whole debacle like Barney Franks and Christopher Dodd should be tarred and feathered but wre paid offbig time. They knew all along and to top it off, Barney's live in lover coming up with the packaging or bundling plan for these worthless mortgage papers from Fannie were sold on the markets Barney's lover was a higher up at Fannie Mae.

Most of these mortgages should have never been issued. Under all this unscrupulous greed and lack of due diligence and government oversight because of the Democrats and attorney General Reno and then and allowed to be spead around in the financial markets.

Circling the world in multiples of many many times the value of the mortgages as derivatives to everyone was a travesty!!!!

Now the White no half-wit Obama comes in and ACTS like he knows what the "f" he is doing and mainly TAKE ADVANTAGE of the CRISIS or perceived crisis or whatever and starts pushing through one huge Debt bill after another for the Goldman boys and feeds us the rest of his socialist agenda as a filler!!!!!

To make Congress go along for these bills he let them load as much pork...AS MUCH AS THEY CAN!!!..knowing full well this may be their last chance and knowing damn well..

..that after the shit hits the fan with the printed money covering up all this debt created by the worthless mortgage investments and most banks and insurance companies in hock will cause massive inflation and a worthless dollar sooner than later and he or ALL the other dirty congressional culprits mostly democrats will never get a bill though with the economy shot to hell and the country bankrupt and owned by mostly China but Europe as well!

To keep the pressure off the democrats for passing all of this Obama keeps lying about everythingand living like a king. Tossing your children's children's children future to the fate of taxes beyond imagination!

He has the leftists pressure groups and media covering his ass with all media and blogs and online news stating the Orwellian catch phrases and manipulating the polls like a traffic cop at rush hour!

Today we talk...Today we listen..Today it is an unimaginable Financial peril..Today everything looks better than we thought..Today we are at war..Today we are at peace with evryone..Today we are this..Tomorrow we are all F_ked!

If his eyes weren't so G_D awful brown they would be almost "Black"!over and over and blaming ALL OF THIS ON BUSH et all!

Pretty damn scary!

and then..

Here is part of the link below! Goldman, in fact, has received more money than any other counterparty, almost $13 billion. And guess what Goldman's total exposure to AIG actually was? You'll never guess. "AIG had about $20 billion in total swaps with Goldman..." says the Wall Street Journal.If you knew how much exposure Goldman had to AIG, you might doubt the motives and the objectivity of our Treasury Secretary at the time, Hank Paulson.
Paulson was demanding an unprecedented amount of money from Congress with no strings or oversight attached. "Without this money," he said, "there would be an unmitigated catastrophe." Maybe maybe not?..

But Goldman would surely have faced a huge problem. Assuming Goldman lost all $20 billion in exposure to AIG, the collapse would have wiped out nearly half of Goldman's equity, probably sending the company into a Lehman/Bear Stearns death spiral.

Don't forget... Paulson spent his entire career at Goldman, where he was the CEO in 2005 and 2006. That's when Goldman entered into most of these swaps with AIG. He knew exactly what would happen to his old firm if AIG failed. If you want to be outraged about AIG (and you should be outraged at the entire bailout), don't worry about the bonus issues. That's small-time stuff. Be outraged your tax dollars and your government was turned into Goldman's checkbook, by no less than the company's former CEO!

Come back to the same issue with those worried about bad debt; what gives anyone confidence that our government will stop printing money? Papering over the debt is fully underway, there has not been a single blink. Not in 20 years if you really go back and look.What difference does another half trillion CMBS problem make, or even more.

In for a penny, in for a pound, and the US government is all in. Preserving the value of a dollar is just not on the agenda. I've looked repeatedly for a very long time and it's not there.

This is not a debt crisis any more. It's a currency/inflation crisis. If it takes the market a while to acknowledge that, I can wait forever.

But wait how about this?

The entire stock market is traded on a black box computer program. Someone worked on the floor of NYSE for Goldman Sachs.He handled many many program trades and massive block trades. The Goldman front runs the programs for its own account.Research GATA. Not only do the "Presidents Working Group on Financial markets, and counter-party risk management group" control all aspects of the markets through "program trades" and "quants" They completely control the Gold and Silver markets under the pretense of National Security.
Doesn't it arouse any curiosity in any of your minds- how the US Govt can nationalize FNM, FRE, BSC, AIG, GM etc..etc..and the barometer of financial market health (GOLD) goes lower while they but into bad debt in the banks as well???

The system is the MOST MASSIVE PONZI SCHEME EVER. Bernard Madoff doesn't have anythingon GS, JPM, US FED, CFTC, and White House!!!

To me this seems like a poker game...the pros depend on new, dumb money to play, otherwise they're just taking each others money, and the house take eventually eats everyone's stack. When the dumb money leaves, the game's over.

so we see that..

Stiglitz: Bank Plan Destined to Fail, Doomed By White House/Wall Street Ties
Citi melts...and will be tough pill to swallow for you Guvment G MEN!..

And while Jim Cramer likely top ticks the rally yet again, and Barney Frank wants to guarantee every risky asset in the United States in another misguided attempt of postponing the D-Day for all the fiscal and monetary insanity happening in this country,the FDIC announces that 2 more banks have failed (bringing the 2009 total to 25), which will cost the FDIC (aka taxpayers) $100 million and $143 million, respectively. And while we are on the topic: Sheila Blair shouldn't you at least tell us if the FDIC's Depository Insurance Fund has finally gone negative, especially now that your brilliant actions have made it unneccesary for banks to use the TLGP and thus pay the FDIC the recently increased TLGP fee?

(kudos to Hedge Zero and other blogs you will see highlighted soon for lots of truth....)

Anyway China is starting to use their own currency as trading standard with Argentina

and it will only be time before the inevitable happens and you know what that is...
The dollar will be worthless and the USA will become part of the People's Republic...


this just in on Drudge Report GO THERE! Find the link on my page!


Back door to nationalization? Government could become largest shareholder in several banks... Developing...

FT: Feds to put conditions on loan repayments...

Regulators Clash on How to Release Banks Results Without Damage...

...'stress tests' already causing stress

Banks to receive more bailout dough...


"Only 53% of American adults believe capitalism is better than socialism"

Thursday, April 09, 2009

From Rasmussen Reports:

Only 53% of American adults believe capitalism is better than socialism. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 20% disagree and say socialism is better. Twenty-seven percent (27%) are not sure which is better.
Adults under 30 are essentially evenly divided: 37% prefer capitalism, 33% socialism, and 30% are undecided. Thirty-somethings are a bit more supportive of the free-enterprise approach with 49% for capitalism and 26% for socialism. Adults over 40 strongly favor capitalism, and just 13% of those older Americans believe socialism is better. OUTRAGEOUS If you look at what we are facing with the breakdown by age..

Look closely...the younger the more brainwashed by the Guvment Education Libs or teachers that have been ..

indoctrinated !!!!!!!!

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