Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Of the People For the People" and hopefully soon..

Read all of what this great American says about you know who!?

One of the people commenting on this article talked about what one of my favorite bloggers was talking about...CZARS! (unedited but meaningful as you will see)
"The dictatorship is nearly in place. one more wacko-marxist on the supreme court and its finale. i hadn't been keeping up on this one item... does everybody know that there are now in place...16 CZARS in place that are unelected and answer to know one but barry husein obama? fox news has been trying to just TALK the the car CZAR (however that is) and can't get his office to even call back! let alone sit for an interview! so this is how we can expect to be treated by our own government...god help us all...except of course the liberals who are already protected by a false prophet....."
Mr Mark victor hanson pegs it ~!!!
Like this..
"There are no Arab coffeehouse discussions today about the nearly 1 million Muslims killed over two decades by the Soviets in Afghanistan and the Russian government in Chechnya, yet there is constant haranguing over Abu Ghraib, where not a single inmate was killed by rogue American guards. In short, neither logic nor morality is in abundance on the Arab Street, and conjuring up American felonies will not change that."
Read it all! He is awesome!
"We've done more than ever, faster than ever, more responsibly than ever, to get the gears of the economy moving again," he said.
___says Obama in relation to the economy...
"We are facing an aggressive Juggernaut" Mark Levin calls this group governing right effective cohesive attack on our country, way worse than Clinton! A rational defense of out country needs our strongest supporters ..our biggest voices...Crying out! NOW!
Middle of the road
big tent
sell outs
backpedalers to the conservative ideals
Do you want this country to fail?
What would Reagan say?
He would say I think..
This is about the American people succeeding and our great country surviving!
Not about you or me or Obama!
Dick Morris says...Is Obama a failure? Not by his lights. His goal was never to stimulate the economy. His goal was to expand government spending and he used the recession as an excuse to do so. And, by this standard, he is a raging success. With the stimulus spending, the government proportion of GDP will rise from about 35% to about 40% and with health care “reform” it will go soaring into the mid-forties, bringing us to parity with Germany en route to France!
But the results are in: None of Obama’s spending is doing anything to help the economy.
Government first second and third...or people first second and third
You decide!
And Finally!
ACORN! acorn research back last November.. Read it all take your time...understand why Acorn should NOT have all this stimulus money in the Billions...over a couple billion I think..OMG! .. and money to La Raza also who are separatists..and Obama Leftists supporters........ MY GOD HELP US!

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